Your participation makes possible Mini vMac and the rest of the Gryphel Project.
Purchase a “Subscriber Code” for the Mini vMac Variations Service. For ten dollars, this supports the operation of the Gryphel Project, and allows you to easily create custom variations of Mini vMac for a period of a year.
talk about it
Tell a friend about Mini vMac, or mention it on your blog, or your web page, or Twitter, or YouTube, and so on.
report bugs
Let me know if you find any bugs in the latest version. (If a program doesn't work within Mini vMac, this is not a bug unless it works on a real Macintosh Plus. Unless it causes Mini vMac, not just the emulated machine, to crash - that is always a bug.)
Let me know if you notice any mistakes on the Mini vMac web pages. To make this easy, there is a feedback link at the top of every page.
help people
Answer questions on forums related to Mini vMac.
donate with PayPal
Donations will be used for items in the Gryphel Project Wish List. Details and options are described in the Wish List page. Thanks go to sponsors who have granted previous wishes.
Translate the user interface of Mini vMac to your language. See the Localization page for more details.
If you get Mini vMac to compile with a development environment that isn't supported, let me know the details, and I might be able support that environment in future versions. If you would like to port Mini vMac to run on another operating system, I'd be happy to assist however I can.
implement features
Feel free to implement any feature that interests you. I might not include them in my version of Mini vMac (it is intended to be "Mini"), but I would be happy to link to any spin off projects from the Mini vMac page.