www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/recipes/brsys7ut/p5 - feedback

British System 7.0.1 utility disk

Recipe for Mini vMac, Page 5

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Select the icons "ImportFl", "binUnpk", and "ExportFl", by dragging a rectangle around them.



Drag the selected icons into the "Untitled" window to copy them.

Before letting go of the mouse button, hold down the command key. This forces the icons positions into a neat grid. (After letting go of the mouse button, release the command key.)


Drag "Sys6Util" disk icon to the Wastebasket to eject the disk image.



Click on title bar of the "Untitled" window to activate the window.


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www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/recipes/brsys7ut/p5 - feedback
copyright (c) 2017 Paul C. Pratt - last update 10/30/2017